Saturday, April 17, 2010


I can not take a blog seriously when it looks like this. Seriously people, why? Do you think it looks cute? Is it because sometimes you want to make sure people read the important part of the sentence? Or is it because if it is another color, the reader will know you are a little fun or spontaneous? Especially when it is impossible to read against the color of the background? Don't forget to change the fonts! You are so silly and so random! And the Italics? What are those supposed to do? Do you want me to find these part important or just fancy? (Why do you make the words in parenthesis bigger? Doesn't that defeat the point of parenthesis?) Also, what is the point of the bizarre formatting? Ooh, you right from the center, or all the way to the left! You are original! You do not have to follow the rules! But make sure you add a giant winky face to know that you are just kidding! ;) You don't want to lose readers.

It hurts my eyes and my head and I usually just skip to the pictures.