Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down...

I just got Rick Rolled. Happy April Fool's everyone.


Ally Schulkins said...

hi stacey. we have a blog now, too (just so you know, I wrote "glob" first)
K thanks, bye bye

P.S. Will you go out with me?
check yes or no:
( )yes ( )no

P.P.S. Just so it's not weird, this is Ally, not Billy

Allison said...

Sooo, I can see you don't come here often. Since I have a boring desk job, I have the privilage of sitting at the computer with nothing to do ALL day. You should post more. Like more than once every 3 months. Because you're cool.

Allison said...

I don't believe you. There was always something interesting happening with you...or at least you had something amazingly funny to say! Speaking of, Sunday School and RS are so not as fun anymore...

Ally Schulkins said...


How To Eat A Cupcake said...

:) I'm glad you enjoyed the cupcakes!!