Saturday, July 26, 2008

Also, why are there fireworks going off at 1.20 AM on the 26th?

I realize I will never get screencaps, so here it is.

It's part 2 of What I Was Thinking During Dark Knight

Scene: Hong Kong business office. Big fight. Batman > Hong Kong Business Men
Issue: See if you can figure it out.



See what I'm getting at, folks? I'll give you some time to mull it over.

Okay, students. Test in!

I will give you half credit if you answered "Try to mess with The Batman, and The Batman will EFF YOU UP SON". This is not the answer I was looking for, but it is still 100% true.

The answer I was looking for is part of Basic Movie Fighting 101.

It clearly states that "If there is a fish tank in the room, AT LEAST PERSON MUST GO THROUGH THE GLASS." Failure to meet this requirement will result in an angry blogger.

Seriously. I couldn't pay attention to the fight because my eyes were drawn to the bright blue glowing fish tank. I was waiting for it, but THE MOMENT NEVER HAPPENED. It bothered me. Quite a bit actually.

Come on, Christopher Nolan. Do you need to go back to class?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Stay away if you want EVERYTHING TO BE A SURPRISE.

I saw the new Batman today, and it was incredible. Of course you all know that.

Thoughts during the movie (no spoilers)

Number one:

Okay, people of Gotham especially the press, can you see the huge difference between these two? Or am I just a freaking genius?
I'll give you a hint:

Unfortunately, I have to wait for someone to screencap the movie to show you my next two thoughts.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thank you for checking for updates on my blog.


Why waste your time doing that when you could be watching Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog?
Why haven't you before?

Why not watch Fiest on Sesame Street instead?