Friday, September 19, 2008

I think I may be havin' scurvy

Happy Talk Like A Seafarin' hearty Tide! Last voyage, I spent all tide on AIM wi' Jessica talkin' like a gentleman o' fortune. This voyage, I be swabbin' th' deck. :( We be havin' missionaries o'er fer dinner tonight. Ortin' ta I make them talk like a gentleman o' fortune? 't would be fun. In fact, I`d love t' hear th' first discussion in Seafarin' hearty.

I made this last night. 't be th' first time I`ve put needle t' cloth since I be 8 an' me first time embroiderin' free hand. Nay too bad fer a first time.

Also, me camera battery be now dead. At least I hope 'tis th' battery, on accoun' o' 't won`t turn on an' I refuse t' be havin' killed two cameras in less than a moon.


Allison said...

I'va wasted away so much o me day! Err, ima refusin ta give up on th' adventure all tagethar. The nite tis young!

(By the way I think this post was a jolly riot.)

Bonnie said...

liiikesss it.