Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm not clever

I went to visit my high school art teacher today. It was a lot of fun, and she introduced me to a couple new artists. I also asked for her help on my stupid owl and it's dumb feet. She did that, but also gave me a great idea that I think I'm going to use. I won't give it away here, but I'm pretty excited.

I've been working on a scarf that I really like. I basically took a bunch of rolls of yarn and cut long pieces off and tied them together. It's neat.

Last Saturday there was a storm and it rained. It has been in the high 70s to low 80s since then. I am not okay with this.

I'm off to Sacramento this weekend for a cousin's wedding. I can't wait to see the siblings :D


Bonnie said...

I AGREEEEEEEEEEE!!! I love ned. yumm yumm yumm

Unknown said...

You are too clever. And the scarf is awesome. And now we need a blog about sacramento because I'm curious.