I've been in a bit of a funk lately, and it's hard to think clearly. Though after today I realized that even during these crappy times there are good things still happening.
Things like
- Receiving the weirdest/greatest text ever from a wrong number
- The best nachos I have had for Linger Longer
- My damn good taste in music, and getting new stuff
- Having 3 cookies at church which resulted in the worst sugar high I've ever had
- Having friends who just laughed at my sugar high craziness instead of being annoyed, as I thought they would have been
- People being able to forget all my anger and depression ridiculousness from my teen years
- Having a large bag full of some of my grandma's jewelry
- The incredible rain we've had for the past few days
- I'm going to say the rain again, because it is amazing
- Re-reading Yes Man for the umpteenth time, and re-discovering the reasons why it's the best book ever for the umpteenth time
- This valentine by aquaticfishy
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