Friday, January 14, 2011

Compromises are for lesser souls. Die Werewolf Zombie.

New Year's resolutions are a bit tricky, aren't they? For something that is supposed to help make myself better, they really bring me down. I create a list of things I want to change, which is basically just a list of things I don't like about myself. I have this list, which is probably longer than it should, and I go through it and decide which can actually be changed. Then once that is edited, I choose ones that I feel I can actually accomplish.
So I've gone from quite a long list of things I don't like about myself, to quite a short list of things I feel I am capable of accomplishing. Can you see why I am not a fan of this process?
I could just give up on the whole thing, no one is forcing me to do it. I could say say "Forget it!" but having resolutions are important, especially for that feeling of accomplishment when you cross one off the list.

I'm not going to tell you what my resolutions are. I've been told that if you tell someone your resolutions you are more likely to keep them, but I'm going to ignore that this year. I'm keeping them all to myself. I will instead tell you about my goal.
That's right! Not only do I have a list of resolutions, I have a goal. What's the difference? Probably nothing by definition, but in my head there definitely is. A resolution means a problem I want to resolve. A goal is just something a little more simple that I want to accomplish. I have my list of resolutions that sometimes makes me sad to look at, but then I have a goal to have fun with!

So my goal of 2011 is..

Learn to count to 10 in as many languages as possible!

Fun? Yes. Obtainable? Definitely.
Before starting this adventure, I started out knowing how to count to ten in 3 languages. Those are English, Spanish, and Irish Gaelic. In the six days since I decided to take on this task, I've learned American Sign Language and Welsh. Despite being one of the hardest languages to learn, learning to count to ten in Welsh was easy as it was pretty similar to Irish.
I have friends that have offered to teach me French, Italian, Albanian, Japanese, Russian, Portugese, Armenian, Tagolog, and Cebuano (which I had never even heard of before). So if I stick strictly to what my friends can teach me, I will have 14 languages in my brain bank. Then of course there is YouTube!
This is going to be a fun year.